Light to the point

Modern lighting in apartments pays a lot of attention. Today, lighting is not just a necessary functional opportunity, an effective addition to your interior that can change it in one direction or another, visually reduce or increase certain details, add comfort to a particular zone.

Of course, we never do without basic lighting, which is necessarily in every room, regardless of its purpose. But if we are talking about an apartment or house, the main lighting, it would not be bad to supplement some elements of additional lighting.

In order to mainly supplement your residential interior, highlight some of its advantages or hide the shortcomings, we advise you to buy spots.

Spots are small light sources that can be given a certain direction. It can be one or a set of lamps that can be located on the bracket. The purposefulness of lighting is the most important feature of such a light. Using the turn of one or more such lamps in the direction you need, you can achieve a certain result in lighting, which can favorably emphasize some decorative elements of the finish, furniture or apartment accessories such as paintings, photographs and much more.

Separate spots can be attached to the walls and ceiling, as well as several, which are connected by the bracket in the form of an arc, a straight or broken line.

Often such lamps are equipped with rheostats in order to adjust the brightness of your lighting.

Spots have gotten well in our homes today and are high -quality additional lighting of children’s rooms, dressing rooms, home rooms of corridors and bedrooms.

Spots are not a good option for the main lighting, but as an additional one – the perfect option