Several types of flooring are made from the cork, which differs in design. The coating is a panel based on MDF or traffic jams, on the front side, decorated with valuable woods or veneer from traffic jams.
The floor from the cork does not slip, has high thermal insulation and shock -absorbing properties, has a beneficial effect on the supporting – motor apparatus, creates a pleasant feeling when walking. The cork does not attract dust, does not secrete harmful substances and isolates shock noise. This material restore its shape with any type of load. The protective layer, as a rule, from vinyl has high wear resistance, which allows the operation of the floor in strict conditions.
The cork coating thanks to the structure and composition is light, waterproof, resistant to the chemical effects of active substances, has low thermal conductivity. The cork burns poorly and the long time is a fairly.
Camping floors are used in residential premises, offices, supermarkets and hotels.
The cork floors are divided into two main types – “floating” floors and adhesive coating.
The cork coating is placed on a flat, dry, well -prepared base. How a substrate is used by sheets of waterproof chipboard or thick plywood. Glue is recommended to use corporate. Tiles should be tightly pressed to the floor, in the corners and to each other, rolling a roller.
“Floating” cork coating is laid down in a traditional way. Tiles are interconnected by glue and spikes. “Floating floors” from the cork are better stored heat, they have higher noise absorption and resistance to deformation.
Produce cork plates size 185 by 900 millimeters. The advantage of the “floating” coating is the speed and ease of installation. Therefore, this coating is most popular.
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