When you have a desire to create and create something new or preserve the best moments in your life use the gifts of nature, for example, flowers. Let’s draw a picture using dry flowers. Where to get the flowers? We go to nature with friends, family, they give us flowers, and therefore we can make a herbarium. So flowers, for example, chamomile, cornflowers, forget -me -nots, etc.e, if they are small, you can dry the whole. Large flowers, for example, roses, peonies, etc.D. dry parts: petals, leaves separately. You can dry the flowers in the old book, in a stack of newspapers, the main thing is that each flower or part of the flower is dried separately from each other to avoid mold, darkening. When our herbarium is ready to start work. Today we will draw a still life using dry chamomile flowers. We will need: dry flowers, a sheet of A4 paper in black (an album with black paper can be bought in an art salon), pastel, PVA glue, brush, napkin, scissors, a small piece of colored paper (you can from a notebook for recordings).
How to create a picture of dry colors
We make a vase out of paper for records: we draw the vase silhouette you like, cut out and glue it on a black sheet of paper.
How to create a picture of dry colors
Now we make a bouquet, for this, each flower is beautifully “put” in a vase and glue, use a napkin, then the work will be more careful and the flower will reliably stick to a sheet of paper reliably.
How to create a picture of dry colors
The last stroke remained, we diversify our bouquet, finishing some details to our bouquet using the pastel: poppies, butterfly, add the shades of our vase. Docketing the chamomile flower below the vase. Our picture is ready!
How to create a picture of dry colors
Now you can choose a frame and find a place for a picture in your cozy house. If you attract the child to create such a picture, he will be happy. Special artistic skills are not required here. You just use masterpieces that Mother Nature itself created.
You can save pleasant memories, for example, when a loved one gave you flowers or when you were in nature with your family. Just dry the flowers and then “draw” a picture of them. And the words said at this moment, pleasant moments, laughter will forever remain in your heart when you contemplate a masterpiece created by yourself, keeping a good memory for a long time.
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