Organizing a wedding in Belgium: main advantages, ideas and tips

A wedding is one of the most important events in the lives of two people, and when it comes to Belgium, the country offers many unique opportunities to create an unforgettable celebration. From picturesque landscapes to rich culture, wedrealm has a wedding in Belgium.

Choosing a location

Belgium is full of beautiful locations for every taste. If you are dreaming of a romantic outdoor ceremony, consider famous castles such as the Grotto Castle or the Castle of Leuven. For modern couples, stylish city venues in the center of Brussels and Antwerp with stunning views of architectural masterpieces are suitable.

Theme and decor

Wedding organization in Belgium suggests choosing a theme that reflects your common interests and personalities. For example, if you are passionate about art, use the works of Belgian artists as inspiration for your decor. For a rustic style, wooden elements, candles and natural fabrics will suit. Don’t forget about local traditions: Belgian weddings often feature lily of the valley flowers, a symbolic detail that will give your celebration a particularly warm and cozy feel.

Culinary delights

The wedding menu can range from traditional Belgian waffles and chocolate to seafood and world-famous beer. Invite a local chef to create special dishes inspired by the gastronomic culture of the region. You can find more information on

Music and entertainment

In Belgium, you can find many modern and traditional bands specializing in original music and folk sounds. Create a playlist of your favorite songs, add a few local tunes to relax and entertain your guests.

Consider traditions

The Belgians have a rich culture and traditions that can add a special charm to your celebration. For example, traditionally in Belgium there is a ritual of “ringing bells”, when newlyweds exchange bells, symbolizing unity. Consider incorporating these customs into your ceremony.

Quick Planning Tips

Know who you want at your wedding and send out invitations early. Make sure you have all the necessary documents to legally marry in Belgium.

Popular venues and suppliers may be full, so start planning as early as possible. This is especially important if your wedding is outdoors. Have a backup plan in case of bad weather.