
st. And.Kudri, 5, Kyiv, 01042

(044) 528-41-10

(044) 529-05-01


Sales department:

st. Novopirogovskaya, 66, Kyiv, 03045

tel.: +38 (044) 259 4000

Our distant ancestors began to make tools for work, they faced the task of combining various details. So, for example, to make a simple hammer, I had to tightly tie a suitable stone to a wooden handle. And such a compound had to be used not the entire length of the Stone Age. The situation began to change from the moment people learned to melt the metal, since the properties of this material made it possible to connect the parts while the metal was in hot state.

Only at the beginning of the 19th century was electrical welding invented. But only at the end of the century this method was improved, and arc electric welding appeared. So she became a real coup in the connection of metal structures. And the greatest contribution to the development of electric welding belongs to the outstanding Ukrainian scientist Evgeny Oskarovich Paton. It was he who did a huge work to create and improve the welding machine. And at present, the company that produces and sells modern welding equipment bears its name, and is called “Paton”.

Welding devices produced by the experimental plant of the Paton welding equipment have excellent working characteristics and meet the adopted world standards. Here you can purchase devices for the most common types of welding – semi -automatic (hard), manual arc welding with an electrode, argon -armed (bayonet). Such welding machines are reliable assistants in various repair shops. In addition, owners of private houses use them with pleasure in their home repair work.