Recipes and methods for skin care

Unfortunately, it is the condition of the neck that indicates the age of the woman. And, moreover, wrinkles in this area appear much earlier than, for example, on the face, so it is necessary to look after the skin much more than the face to avoid this.

Recipes and methods for skin care

If wrinkles on your neck have already appeared, and they make you worry and worry, then it makes sense to try to remove them. Of course, it will be more reasonable to advise you to make an appointment with a cosmetologist in a beauty salon, but not all women have such an opportunity. In this regard, let’s try to find effective ways to combat wrinkles on the neck at home. We will devote this article to this issue.

But, first of all, let’s determine the causes of wrinkles on the skin of the neck. There are several of them. And the first and very important reason is a long stay in the sun. The skin of the neck is much more tender than the skin of the face and body, and therefore the sun’s rays have a stronger negative effect on it.

The second and fairly common cause of wrinkles on the neck is excess weight. As a result of this, extra folds form on the skin of the neck that spoil the appearance of a woman. By the way, with sharp weight loss, the skin on the neck can sag – be prepared for this if you have extra pounds and decided to sit on a diet in the near future.

Of course, wrinkles on the neck appear as a result of aging of the skin and reducing the amount of elastin and collagen in it. Also, the cause of wrinkles on the neck may be poor heredity and the negative impact of external factors.

So that you do not have wrinkles on your neck, and, especially if this process has already begun, you must accustom yourself to keep your head directly, and not at an angle. Even if you are sitting at the computer, write or read, try not to be strongly tilted up. Also, do not raise your head very high and keep it in this position for a long time – from this, wrinkles may also appear on the skin of the neck.

Recipes and methods for skin care

To prevent the appearance of new wrinkles on the skin and reduce the severity of existing ones, it makes sense to regularly take care of it: apply moisturizers and sunscreen to it. Women whose age is approaching mature, in the care of the skin of the face, it is necessary to use anti -aging products – creams and masks directed against wrinkles. No less important role in the prevention and elimination of existing wrinkles is played by special products for the skin of the neck and neckline – these can be lotions, serums, masks or creams.

To achieve the desired and reduce the manifestation of wrinkles on the neck, you need to eat right. It should be said right away that so that there are no visible wrinkles on the neck, you need to drink a lot of water, approximately 6-8 glasses per day. By the way, not only water, but also freshly squeezed juices, and various salads made from fresh fruits and vegetables are useful for the skin of the neck. You can cause great harm to the condition of the skin of the neck if you eat unbalanced. Try to exclude fast food and semi-finished products from your diet or, if not, use them as little as possible.

Reduce the manifestation of wrinkles on the skin of the neck and prevent the appearance of new ones can also be using special exercises. But this is possible only if they perform them regularly and correctly. The complex of such exercises can always be found on the Internet or take it from your cosmetologist.

An important component of the prevention of wrinkles on the neck is a special massage. But only a professional masseur should perform it, otherwise the result from incorrectly performed massage can be the reverse. Professional massage will help you tighten the skin of the neck, strengthen its muscle frame and remove the double chin, as a result of which small wrinkles will disappear.

Recipes and methods for skin care

Of course, the radical method of getting rid of wrinkles on the neck is plastic surgery methods. But, before resorting to such radical methods, it makes sense not to rush and still try more gentle methods that were described in this article.

With their regular use, the effect of their use will not be long in coming, and your neck will look great at any age.